Friday, August 21, 2009

Music, A Canadian music store

We are now well into the theater portion of our trip. We spent the nite in the parking lot next to the Avon River in Stratford, so the dog walk was along the beautiful riverside park. We pushed on a little too far; Sol pooped out, so I had to go back and get the truck to pick up Melodee and the dogs.

After a quick breakfast we drove to Sebringville, a small village only 5 km west of Stratford. We had stopped at Music when we came here with the girls about 10 years ago. This is a store that sells home theatre equipment and Canadian CDs. We spent an interesting hour and a half talking to the proprietor and a few other customers, perusing the shelves, using the wireless internet and just generally having a really good time. The proprietor wanted to know about our trip, helped us with a dinner reservation for Saturday nite in Goderich, discussed the plays at Stratford, turned us on to some great music and filled in a few blanks about Ian Tyson, Gordon Lightfoot and the Bare Naked Ladies. When we finally squared up, the tab was $227, but we got some really good music including Ian, Corb Lund, Leonard Cohen, Arrogant Worms, The Wailing Jennys, The Band, James Keelaghan and Hawksley Workman. I could have added any number of others – Serena Ryder, Cuff the Duke, Lee Harvey Osmand and on and on.

Next stop was lunch back in Stratford. Melodee needed a poutine fix so we headed for Boomer's which is reputed to have the best poutine in Ontario. Poutine is brown gravy over french fries with cheese curds added and melting as you eat. Add in a hamburger and coke and you've got a real meal.

We wanted to complete our shopping at Bradshaws before heading on to Niagara-on-the-Lake. I think we actually managed to get out for about $100; again there was no shortage of wants but we tried to limit ourselves to items that could remotely be considered needs.

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